Moyenmoutier Abbey

6 hectares of garden surround the Moyenmoutier abbey

The beautiful abbey was hidden from view by industrial buildings that surrounded a wool factory. By eliminating these buildings and changing the layout of the gardens that cover an astonishing 6 hectares, the abbey from the baroque period now can be admired again in its full glory.

Monastery in the centre
The French name Moyenmoutier literally means ‘monastery in the centre’. It was built as a part of a cross of monasteries and is considered one of the most beautiful religious structures from the baroque period in Vosges, France and dates back to 671.

Textile industry and industrial buildings
Up to the 18th century, the monastery functioned as an abbey. During the French Revolution the buildings were sold as being state assets to textile industrials and were set to work as a wool factory. More industrial buildings were built around the abbey and around 2000 the area had become a desolate, abandoned industrial site. Nowadays, the abbey has been restored in its full glory.

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