Market place, Moorslede

Nice atmosphere with Gleditisia's

In the past, the heart of the village Moorslede was no more than a passageway with parking space. But now, the square and area surrounding the church and the statue of Pater Lievens, have become very attractive and atmospheric.

Grassy plains and trees that surround the church now accentuate the natural stone paving and other plantation. The church’ entrance has been partly elevated, whereas the choir has been dug out. Multiple sitting edges, a slope and stairs have been constructed out of concrete.

At the sunny side of the market place a large living area, lined by a row of trees, has been created. This central green structure connects the key elements such as the church, the statue of Pater Lievens and the city hall.

It was decided to plant Gleditsia triacanthos ‘Sunburst’, because of its autumn colour, nice crown shape and feathered foliage that filters the sun light. It is a variety without thorns that endures drought very well. Alongside the church Magnolia grandiflora were planted and in the streets surrounding the square Tilia cordata and Quercus hispanica ‘Wageningen’. All trees were supplied by Nursery Udenhout and company Steenhaut was responsible for the planting.

Trees chosen for this project:
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