Quercus palustris

Big wide crowns
Broad lanes and streets
Park tree and/or specimen tree
Industrial areas
Endures pavement
Ornamental value
18m - 20m
Ornamental value
Autumn colour
Autumn colour

Quercus palustris, tree with a height up to 20 m, with a strikingly straight main trunk and a bark with shallow furrows, sometimes almost smooth. Branches almost horizontally spreading with many short side branches. The crown is wide conical. Pinnately lobed leaf with a roughly serrated leaf margin, 8-12 cm long. Striking red autumn colour. In its juvenile stage, the leader often grows crooked to almost horizontal: if it does, do not prune or tie up, it will grow upwards again by itself. By nature, it grows on damp soils, but as a park, avenue and street tree in our areas it also Quercus palustris grows on drier sandy soils. Also endures paved surfaces.